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Why can't I set a reminder
Justtasks deliberately does not use reminders. Why?
Reminders are actually bad for most people because most people don't use them properly. Ask yourself how many times you 'snooze' reminders when they pop up on screen? Or worse yet, you simply delete them!?
When most people are setting reminders, they invariably accept the default reminder setting of 15 minutes before it is due. Seriously...there isn't much point being reminded of a meeting 15 minutes before it takes place. Especially if you have to prepare for it beforehand or get across town to where the meeting is taking place. A few people will take these things into account when setting the reminder but they are really just guessing at how much warning they need, particularly if the meeting is in a couple of weeks time or next month etc. The result is ineffective reminders popping up which simply get snoozed or dismissed.
What makes matters worse is we can easily fool ourselves into thinking we are in control because we have diarised and set reminders for everything. It makes us complacent and a slave to our reminders. That is until we miss an important meeting because the phone rang while we were diarising and we forgot to create a reminder for a meeting with our biggest client. Or we forget to allow sufficient time when creating reminders to prepare. We potentially end up attending a useless meeting through which we sweat and bluff our way only promising to have things ready to be tabled next time. Not only have we wasted our time, as well as that of everyone else in the meeting, but all we probably achieved was increasing our blood pressure and stress levels without achieving what the meeting was initially intended to achieve.
This is why Justtasks doesn't use reminders. Instead the application is based on a CORD system which you can read about in the next article.